Talks, podcasts, and other media highlights
Sometimes you send a Tweet that lands you in the news, sometimes it lands you on a podcast. Thanks to ITSP Magazine for the opportunity to nerd out about Automated Threat Feeds and CTI with CyberSquarePeg (Rebecca Ford
After my SANS research paper was published, I had the honor of talking to Dr. Johannes Ullrich on the SANS Internet Storm Center (ISC) Podcast. Further down the page, I include a link to my presentation of this research on the STAR Webcast with Katie Nickels.
Media Coverage
I once Tweeted out that I received a breach memo from DISA. I tried to make a joke about having to “catch them all”, but that sorta backfired… apparently my Tweet was one of the first public glimpses of the breach and it was picked up by way too many news sites. And to be clear, this is the first memo I can remember getting from DISA. The “catch them all” reference was a joke about getting the OPM, Equifax, and other major breach notification letters. But this Tweet led to being quoted by a number of major news sites, including: NBC News, Threat Post, and TechCrunch… so in the end, it was kinda funny…
I was also published in the Wall Street Journal, alongside my amazing wife… because she fed me fake meat for dinner… Okay, it isn’t exactly a career highlight, but I WAS INTERVIEWED BY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL!